(The alien blob thing that they say will turn into a baby is now the size of this medium shrimp.)
Yes I know, I had a pink background. No, I'm not any more of a fan of pink then I was in elementary school when I decided I didn't like S.Packer. because she always wore pink. I just thought I would get everyone in the pinkish mood. I am now changing the blog background to a "boy" background acccording to cutestblogontheblock.com in order that none be to excited for a little girl.
Anyway to answer questions. I have been only slightly sick, but have lost a couple pounds simply to being too lazy to cook something, occasionally not being able to keep anything down, or more often not finding anything apetitzing. My sisters Ruth and Sarah have lectured me throughly, and I am trying to amend my wrong doings and I now eat much better, kind of. And yes Fran, I'm very excited to find out whether the baby is a girl, a boy, or a hermaphrodite.
Oh I also forgot to mention that my doctor (Dr. Glenn) delievered me, and perhaps Stephen as well. (We're not quite sure if he just delievered 3 of STephen's siblings, or Stephen as well).
Okay, end of baby talk and back to my thesis.