Wednesday, June 17, 2009

on a happier note

Just to let you all know, I am now officially showing. Up to this morning, everytime I would say "hey look, I'm showing!" to Stephen or my mother they would simply shake their heads and negate my assertions. Today, however, both of them conceeded.

Oh, and I also have my very first stretch mark (from pregnancy that is, I already had some from my time spent in bratwurst land). Since I have another 40 pounds to gain, I'm sure that won't be the last stretch mark either.
I'm particularly happy about this because I've had a hard time gaining weight (I am suppose to have gained 10 pounds already and only today have I found that I have gained a pound) and I've been worrying about starving my child. Thus, when all of a sudden this morning I was showing, I was particularly pleased. Of course, it may not be the baby that is showing, but all the Ensure I've been drinking that has made me look like an old lady. oh well. live long.


Jasmine said...

So when do we get to start seeing "bump" pictures? ;)

Amy said...

I want to see pictures too!

Sondra said...

I think you should take pictures (and you might as well post them on the blog) to track the baby's growth throughout his/her time in your stomach. :) Then you can compare to your future pregnancy and eventually show the kids!

Ruth said...

Wow! Can't wait!

Anonymous said...

congrats on this! stephen did tell me a couple weeks back at church that you kept thinking you were showing, even though you weren't, so i'm glad you finally got his confirmation :)

Elisabeth said...

Don't worry too much about gaining weight...I didn't gain any weight at all until I was about 16-18 weeks pregnant. In fact, I lost weight in my early pregnancy because I just couldn't eat much. As long as you aren't on a restrictive diet, the weight will come eventually.

Stephanie said...

Uh ya pictures hello!!

Astromom said...

I'm sorry but if Rachel posted a picture on her blog, you wouldn't see a thing, her hip bones aren't showing quite so much and there is maybe 1/4 inch pouch, but we're all happy, it is something.

Heidi said...

That's very exciting. Yeah, you need to post a picture to show us.

Jenny said...

Rachel, I just wanted to let you know that I'm posting on my blog again. :) It was great seeing you last week! And I agree with the comments about not worrying about the weight. Just eat!