Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Monsters in the closet?

I think come time to pay my electricity bill, I will appreciate having the desire for sleep become stronger than my desire to ward off cockroaches by keeping my lamp on all through the night. Hmm. I think it may be time to get our mattress off the floor and onto a bed frame far from the carpet with these crawling critters.

Getting a bed, however, might make life too easy and get in the way of this:

Living to 100+ (parents I hope you're watching this!)

Stephen's dream is to be old like this (minus the garden). I don't think holding my great great great grandchild sounds too bad either.


Ruth said...

Rachel, This is great - thank you! I'm with you on holding your great great great grandbaby.

Lori said...

Really interesting. Matt and I enjoyed watching and discussing this clip.

Mary said...

My kids definitely force me to stay active although I think I need to work on the 80% full principle.