Wednesday, June 16, 2010


Main Entry: gon·er
Pronunciation: \ˈgȯ-nər also ˈgä-nər\
Function: noun
Date: 1850
: one whose case is hopeless

I know some of you will hardly believe this, but Stephen and I are finally leaving what has been our home for the past year and a half and moving out on the 25th of this month. I'm a little sad because I'm sure we'll never find such great landlords again. I swear they are like parents to me--alright they are my parents, but still they've been great. We've loved living in their basement apartment, regular raids of their refridgerator when in desperate need of cheese, and annoying them with our constant quirky conversations and forgetting to take the garbage out. I'm still a fan of multiple generations living in the same home and hope that one day they'll come live with us, and am not to sure we won't ever find ourselves back in the basement again. In the meantime we feel it is the right timing to say farewell to happy three generation living, financial security, and hello to real life. sigh.

It would make it so much easier if we had little navy outfits to say farewell in.


Stephanie said...

Good luck with real life. Let me know if I can help you with moving.

Stephanie said...

Also, I know it's not as convenient, but you're welcome to come raid our fridge for cheese whenever; we usually keep it well stocked.

Anonymous said...

Does this mean you are leaving the ward? Say it ain't so!

Elizabeth said...

Rachel you are so funny! I bet your parents will miss having you :( where are you guys moving to?

Mary said...

I'm proud of you two taking this step toward independence, although I almost wanted you to stay in the basement when I heard what they are charing for rent at Wymount nowdays. Jared and I paid $420 for the same apartment 5 years ago! Although I must say Wymount does have the benefit of phone, internet, and convience to campus and family which are hard to beat. I would suggest doing your laundry at mom and dad's once a week so that they don't miss you too much.

Jenny said...

If you do get navy suits, take a picture for us, okay?

Astromom said...

We are so proud of you. You guys are going to love it. What a great experience.