Friday, March 13, 2009

Ode to spell checker

When I was a child I told my long-time friend Stephanie of Schumanns one day when we were walking home that when I was a goddess, I would make a world of hedgehogs. Surprisingly, I no longer have this desire, and hope I will not be held accountable for my childhood fantasies, but would not mind in the learning process of world creating making a couple full of happy hedgehogs. It's funny that now, when I imagine the kind of world I would want to create, the importance of spell checker comes to mind. Yup, random, but true. Yes, the idea of a world where people don't have to suffer for their inability to spell or catch grammatical mistakes has also passed my mind quite frequently. Frankly, I think there's a reason my ancestors were coal miners, even if they had had the opportunity to go to school past the 4th grade, they never would have made it far without spell checker. That is, if they were anything like their descendants they have produced. So three cheers to spell checker and for the girl who always got out the first round of the spelling bee---yes me.

Okay speaking of me, I have found a new favorite poet. For those of you who enjoy, I will post her blog site. Oh and yes, I really am that self-centered enough to finally post this when there is a post dedicated to me. hehe.

okay, back to work. I've got 23 minutes before my ethnography paper is due and Stephen (who is correcting it next to me) just said "Rachel, I think it's illegal to try and re-write the English language." Sigh. Well, obviously he would not benefit from my world with spell checker, perhaps he'll have to stay behind in hedgehog land.

the end.


Mary said...

This makes me laugh. Jared spent a lot of time editing my papers during our first year of marriage too. By the way, I noticed at least three gramatical errors in this blog--I wasn't sure if it was on purpose or not. Maybe you should have Stephen check your blog too! = )

Rachel Leslie said...

i enjoy bothering all of my very gramatically aware siblings and friends by including such errors.

analyn said...

oh my! i only hope to be a poet; i'm not sure if i'm quite there yet. and, darling, i would dedicate a post to you anytime, although, i'm not sure what merit my posts hold. anyway, it sure was grand seeing the future grandpadres cranneys last night. thanks much for stopping by.

Lori said...

A world without spellcheck would be a very painful place for English teachers. (It's bad enough as it is already.) :)
Maybe you can invent a "grammarcheck" too.

Charles said...

This spring I would like
To write a poem for you, too.
Will a Haiku do?

Rachel Leslie said...

oh please, what else is in spring is there to do?