Sunday, September 9, 2012

Who needs plastic surgery? Not me . .

Feel a need to look younger these days? Why spend thousands on a doctor (real or fake) to mess up your face when you can just have your child (accidentally) give you a massive goose egg/eyebrow raiser/botox in one for free?
Looking forward to a beautiful black eye tomorrow; I guess some kids give more than grey hairs and kisses.


Sheri Money said...

All I can say is that you are hardcore.

Lori said...

Oh, Rachel. That looks like it hurts! But on the plus side, it makes for pretty interesting blogging material. I hope you recover soon.

Nicole said...

Ooh, I see you're reading the unexpected legacy of divorce, I've been wanting to read that one but haven't found it at the library/made time yet, let me know how it is if you get through it:).