Monday, January 24, 2011

Population videos


Amanda/Mandy said...

You should look at if you haven't seen it. It is a review of how the global population of wealth and longevity has shifted in the last 200 years.

Ruth said...

thanks Rachel. Looks good.

Charles said...

I know Russia has a huge problem with not enough population replacement. Most years they lose nearly 750,000 in population. I'd be curious what Jennifer (who commented on your facebook page) thinks is wrong or irrelevant about the videos. I wrote something about this many years ago. See To Life!

Mary said...

Thanks for sharing. I enjoyed reading your father-in-law's article "To Life."

emily michelle said...

I feel like overpopulation is something that everyone talks about and no one knows anything about, so it was interesting to get some actual facts and figures and even more interesting that this particular set of facts and figures is arguing against the existence of an overpopulation problem. Lots of food for thought.