Friday, March 20, 2009

Continuation of the last couple posts

Well since Stephanie has encouraged me to write more (and it doesn't take much for me to be flattered into continuing) I will expound on my last post.
The danger I see from putting an over emphais on intelligence are the following:
  • When we start valuing intelligence too much, we just might start to get bored easily with people who don't provide stimulating conversation. We find it charity work to talk to people that though they could have something fascinating to tell us, but we brush them aside as dull.
  • Not only do we enter the rat race, but we bring our children along with them. We feel that they have to do everything from speaking French, Latin, and Chineese by the time that they're in 3rd grade or their future at a happy contented life is doomed.
  • We alienate ourselves from each other. We start seperating ourselves into smart groups and less than smart people groups. As our interaction amongst ourselves decrease so our horizions and insight.
  • While there are some things we can do to increase our intelligence, they are small. Individuals can, however, devote themselves to working hard for learning's sake (such as not blogging when you should be writing the 65 pages you still have to write before the end of the semester) or engaging in charity.
  • One other problem is that because intelligence is something that should not necessarily be hid, it can if not used properly just promote the showing off and honors of men.
  • Tower of Babel. Sometimes when we push intelligence we start thinking we can do it on our own and we need to remember we need God's intelligence. Everything he gives us is a gift so we better not feel too comfrotable with the idea.

As I write this I don't want it to be an attack on intelligence or intelligent people. That's not at all what I would want to be the result. Rather intelligent people are a dream come true (come on I'm married to one), but there is more to life than just intelligence and I think that is a message (but not that there is more to life than Stephen and food).

These are all the ideas I had and I admit I'm still searching for a feedback on the topic so feel free to write what you will.

Okay Stephen and I are going to finally get to that date night of ours, so I'm a goner.


hosander said...

I like this, I wish I had figured it out while I was still in school

Ruth said...

love it. love you.

Anonymous said...

your blog is so cute and extremely intuitive. PS I saw you at stake conference today!

Jared said...

O the vainness, and the frailties, and the foolishness of men! When they are learned they think they are wise, and they hearken not unto the counsel of God, for they set it aside, supposing they know of themselves, wherefore, their hwisdom is foolishness and it profiteth them not. And they shall perish.
29 But to be learned is good if they hearken unto the counsels of God.

OK, that's my 2 cents.

Nicole said... nights:) enjoy them now:)...