I'm proud of this boy. He is full of passion, determination, excitement, curiosity, self-confidence, and inner integrity. I woke him up and he said he had never been so tired in his life (we've been trying to get on a better schedule, but apparently I didn't start soon enough). After he was dressed, however, he said this was the most "determined day" of his life because he had never gone to school in his life. He meant to say exciting, and continued to tell me how eager he is to learn how to count to 1002. I hope he's not disappointed when he realizes that won't come for quite a while. We had a small party for him yesterday with frosted and sprinkled cupcakes (the first time we've done sprinkles ever, so it was kind of a big deal), gave him his backpack full of school supplies and a few gifts. I tried to hide crying this morning, but well, this mom can't do everything.